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Friends of St. Margaret's (FOSM)

FOSM Constitution - updated Oct 2019

Minutes of FOSM AGM September 2016

On behalf of the ‘Friends of St. Margaret’s Primary School’, I would like to tell you a bit about our New Look Fundraising Group which will be taking the place of our TSA.  We feel passionately that you and your children experience the very best of being a part of our small village school and therefore all parents of children at the school will automatically become a member of the ‘Friends of St. Margaret’s (FOSM)’.


The ‘Friends of St. Margaret’s’ has been established, mainly to provide additional financial support to St. Margaret’s School, which in turn, allows our children to have those little, or sometimes, big ‘extras’, which they would otherwise have to do without.  Its existence relies purely upon parents’ involvement and support throughout each child’s time here at St. Margaret’s.


Here is some useful information about the ‘Friends’, who we are, how we raise money, what we use it for and how YOU can help!

Who we are

The ‘Friends of St. Margaret’s Primary School is made up of parents whose children attend the school, our Headteacher, Mrs Newland, also attends, so that we maintain a close link to the school itself and are aware of its needs. All parents of children at the school are automatically a member of the ‘Friends’ but a small committee and parents meet up, usually once every half term to discuss and plan events/fundraisers.  These meetings give you, the parent, an opportunity to raise any concerns, share your thoughts and inject new ideas for fundraising.  It is also an opportunity to meet new parents and hopefully have an enjoyable hour or so.  For some parents, it is their only opportunity to socialise together. 

How we raise money

We plan a series of varied activities throughout the year mostly aimed at children, parents and families.  Such events include our Christmas Fayre and an Easter Egg Quiz.  We also traditionally supply Cream Teas on Sports Day and are involved in various other fundraisers throughout the school calendar year. 


Parents of the school have also organised the creation of Tea Towels designed by the children which generate additional funds for the school. 


What else we organise

We also provide the children with ‘treats’ such as a Christmas pantomime in the school; Easter Eggs for the children at Easter time; and a Leavers’ Photo in July of each year, where we say a big goodbye to all children leaving for secondary school and give them a lasting reminder of their time at St. Margaret’s.  

How the money is used:

It is decided at our meetings what to spend our money on.  Usually, the school puts forward a request for us and we then actively fundraise for it.  In the past we have received big requests ie: £2,000 target for a quiet area in the school playground and then smaller requests such as £100 for class clocks for teaching the time.  We always aim to spend the money on ‘educational resources’, because of the sheer hard work involved raising the money.  Our most recent project was to update the school’s computer technology, namely by raising funds to buy new iPads at an approximate cost of £800.  


Ways you can help!

1: Attend the Meetings

We all lead busy lives and keeping family life ticking over smoothly does indeed require a great deal of time and effort - as parents ourselves, we really do appreciate this!  But, it is us busy parents who keep the ‘Friends’ running, which in turn gives our children the very best educational experience they could have at St. Margaret’s.  Your attendance at our meetings will undoubtedly benefit your child/ren.  We appreciate any fresh or new ideas, your suggestions for improvements and new fundraising opportunities, which haven’t been looked at etc. please make time to come along and share your views!

2: Join the Committee

Please don’t feel pressured into becoming part of the ‘Committee’.  We do need a ‘Chair’, Vice-Chair, Treasurer and Secretary to continue each year, but your attendance at our meetings is also appreciated.  Never feel like a job will be forced upon you, if you just come along.  This will not happen unless you are fully willing and prepared to take on a role, within the ‘committee’ itself.

3: Help with organising an event

A fundraiser usually requires a lot of work, but delegation is the key.  If you have any skills, you just fancy a challenge or are just up for helping, let us know.  

4: Come along to events – Support what we do

Don’t feel bad that you cannot commit to helping to organise an event.  Even if you just turn up on the day or night itself, you will be supporting us.  Without you, your family and friends attending, we wouldn’t raise any money.  We also rely upon you spreading the word and getting everyone to come along, to make any event a huge success.

5: Provide a raffle prize

At most of our fundraisers a raffle is a held!  It is a sure way of raising a substantial amount of money with minimal effort.  Anything you can give us, perhaps a box of chocolates or a bottle of wine, or a voucher for your favourite restaurant would be great!  Send it in with your child to school or drop it off with their class teacher.  You will probably receive a letter from the ‘Friends’ requesting prizes prior to the event itself, but even if you don’t…send one in…we will use it!.

6: Volunteer to help at an event

You will never be expected to do anything single-handed so don’t panic. A team of support will be allocated at each event. 

7: Make cakes for an event

At most events we host, we require the kitchen to be open selling refreshments and cakes.  This is another opportunity for us to raise money and we appreciate all offerings. 


8: Find out if your Employer can help

Any financial assistance we can get is appreciated.  Perhaps the place you or your partner works, can help out financially, making a donation or otherwise.  If you have any success, let us know.

Remember, all our fundraising helps the children at 
St. Margaret’s and that includes your child/ren
