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Forest School

At St. Margaret's we seek to engage the children in a broad range of learning experiences throughout their time with us. On a Friday morning, one year group take part in a forest school session run by Mrs Norris in Berwickhall woods. Each academic year, school years 2, 4, 6 and reception are given the opportunity to take part in a 10-week forest school course. This means children will attend forest school for 40 sessions during their time with us. Each session is approximately 3 hours long. In forest schools children learn teamwork skills, life skills such as fire-lighting and building, have a chance to encounter the awe and wonder of the natural world and have an amazing and fun learning experience as well!   

Friday 7th June


In their first session at Forest School the children were given the challenge in two groups of their choosing, to build a den over the coming weeks and hopefully by the last week we can see if they have made them waterproof!  Please take a look at the photos to see what they have achieved so far!


Next week we will continue with den building, playing games and also have ago at making an interesting talking stick that we will use at the end of each session, the best stick will be used in the coming weeks.

Week 1

Week 10


The children enjoyed the last week of forest school playing games, climbing trees, playing with the dinosaur puppets and of course toasting marshmallows!


I hope your children have enjoyed their time at Forest School and that you enjoy looking at their photos.

Friday 24th May

Week 9


This week the children enjoyed going on a shape hunt, and playing with the dinosaur puppets.  Please take a look at the photos and enjoy watching the videos of their dinosaur adventures.


Next week is our last week in the forest which is full of games and free play.

Dinosaur Show

Still image for this video

Dinosaur Show

Still image for this video

Week 8


This week we started by finding facts about squirrels which were on cards hidden around the forest, we then played the game Squirrels in a tree.


Our next activity involved making a bug hotel to take home to put in the garden.  First they designed their piece of card with bright colours and then collected twigs, leaves, moss and feathers.  With help the hotel was rolled up and secured with wool you will see the pictures below of their creations.


Next week we are going on a shape hunt and creating stories with puppet dinosaurs.

Friday 10th May

Week 7

The children enjoyed learning about all the different types of spider webs and then playing the game Spider and Flies!


After playing a game the children went on a bug hunt and discovered lots of different bugs including spiders, slugs, centipedes and much more.


Even though the weather was very! wet this did not perturb the children from having lots of fun!


Next forest school session we are going to build a bug hotel!

Friday 3rd May

Week 6

On entering the forest I discovered that we had a visitor! The children were very excited and we used our identification sheet to see exactly who had come to visit.


This week we learnt about all the different types of creatures other than birds that build nests, the children were very fascinated to see that the male Puffer fish builds a nest to impress the female!  


The children learnt all about why birds build nests and the material they use to make their nest both strong, comfortable and warm next they were given the activity to build a nest in pairs you will be able to see the result in the pictures below.


Next week we will be going on a bug hunt!

Friday 26th April

Week 5

In this Forest School session the children learnt all about the different uses and benefits of stinging nettles and were very keen on the idea of making nettle soup! 


The children enjoyed playing on the rope bridge and swing as well as playing 'Hey Mister Crocodile'


Next week we are going to learn all about different types of nests and have a go at making one!

Friday 19th April

