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Forest School

At St. Margaret's we seek to engage the children in a broad range of learning experiences throughout their time with us. On a Friday morning, one year group take part in a forest school session run by Mrs Norris in Berwickhall woods. Each academic year, and reception are given the opportunity to take part at forest school. This means children will attend forest school every year that they are at St Margaret's school during their time with us. Each session is approximately three hours long. In forest school children learn how to work as a team, and useful life skills such as fire-lighting and building, have a chance to encounter the awe and wonder of the natural world and have an amazing and fun learning experience as well!   

Year 1


Year 1 has enjoyed the last seven weeks at forest school, where they did various activities, including a speedy treasure hunt, finding natural items in the forest, and then using them to make a funny face. They enjoyed making wands using sticks and leaves, went on a tree quiz and built bug hotels in groups, investigating each week who had come to visit their hotel and adding improvements to attract more visitors.


Children have enjoyed the craft activities including, whittling sticks, making necklaces from wooden discs and Elder.


The children loved playing games their favourites were 'Hey Mister Crocodile', Squirrels in a Tree, Bat and Moth and Roasting Starlings.


Take a look at some of the photos taken over the seven weeks to see what your children were up to.



Year 1 Forest School
