You can find our current policies below. Should you require any further information or wish to view a policy as a paper copy free of charge please do not hesitate to contact Mrs Meadows in the school office.
- Admissions Policy AUT24.pdf
- Anti-bullying Policy SPR24.pdf
- Charging, Refunds and Remissions policy SPR24.pdf
- Child protection AUT24.pdf
- Collection of School Meals Money AUT24.pdf
- Collective Worship Policy SPR24.pdf
- Complaints AUT24.pdf
- Curriculum AUT24.pdf
- Equalities Policy, Objectives and Accessibility Plan review SPR24.pdf
- EYFS AUT24.pdf
- Feedback Policy AUT24.pdf
- Inclusion and Equal Opportunities in Learning SPR24.pdf
- Managing Serial and Unreasonable ComplaintsAUT24.pdf
- PSHE and SRE AUT24.pdf
- Positive Behaviour AUT24.pdf
- Pupil attendance AUT24.pdf
- RE SUM24.pdf
- SEND Information Report AUT24 .pdf
- Special Educational Needs Policy AUT24.pdf
- Spirituality SUM24.pdf