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Spirituality is an important part of enabling our children to live life in all its fullness.


Our shared definition of Spirituality at St. Margaret’s is:


At St. Margaret’s Church of England Primary school we believe that spirituality is the nurturing of the inner life of the soul of a child, enabling and embracing their questions, doubts and wonder of existence. 

Spirituality is how we understand ourselves and our place in the world, living with meaning and purpose. It is about awe and wonder, asking questions, self-reflection, inspiration and being aware of ‘something’ greater than ourselves.


Spirituality at St. Margaret’s includes:

  • Use of the Nurture room.   
  • Forest Schools offers opportunities for awe and wonder and reflection
  • Collective Worship offers daily opportunities for reflection and Big Questions and contemplating things bigger than our world.
  • Use of the reflection garden
  • Enquiry led RE curriculum
  • Big question themes for the curriculum


Our spirituality policy can be found on the policies tab of the school website.