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At St. Margaret's we believe homework should help children to secure the basic skills and should build on what is being delivered in class. 

The expectation also increases as the children move through the school in order to support the children to develop the skills to manage their time effectively ready for secondary school. 

Homework requirements








Reading 5 times minimum

Reading 5 times minimum

Reading 5 times minimum

Reading 3 times minimum

Reading 3 times minimum

Reading 3 times minimum

Reading 3 times minimum

Phonics flashcards once these are sent home

EdShed spellings 3 x per week minimum

EdShed spellings 3 x per week minimum

EdShed spellings 3 x per week minimum

EdShed spellings 3 x per week minimum

EdShed spellings 3 x per week minimum

EdShed spellings 3 x per week minimum

EdShed maths tasks weekly

EdShed maths tasks weekly

EdShed maths tasks weekly

EdShed maths tasks weekly

EdShed maths tasks weekly

EdShed maths tasks weekly

TTRS 20 mins per week on garage

TTRS 20 mins per week to include a minimum of 3 garage game and 1 soundcheck

TTRS 20 mins per week to include a minimum of 3 garage game and 1 soundcheck

TTRS 10 mins per week

TTRS 10 mins per week

Weekly reading comprehension task

Weekly reading comprehension task

Weekly CGP book tasks

Maggie’s Water Fight

This year, for the first time, we are launching Maggie’s Water Fight. Maggie will pick a random week in each term of the year and children that have completed their homework for the week on all three occasions will be invited to join in a huge water fight! Letters will be sent home prior to the event! The children are very excited about this.