W/C 7th November
This week we have been preparing for Remembrance Day.
We have thought about who and why we remember.
We reflected on the poem 'In Flanders Fields.'
In Flanders Fields
On Friday we held a short Remembrance Service in the hall. We held a one minute silence before finishing with a prayer written by Fia in year 6.
Last post - silence- Reveille
On Sunday, two of our year 6 pupils attended the village Remembrance service at St. Margaret of Antioch Parish Church and laid a wreath on behalf of the school.
Prayer for the week:
We remember people who have helped us in the past,
those we knew and those we didn't know.
Today, we think especially of people who have died in wars and fighting.
We take a moment to think of some special people: soldiers, sailors, pilots, emergency workers and all who risk their lives for our safety.
Together we say thank you.
Thank you.