St Helena Hospice
Wednesday 2nd December 2020
Dear Parents/Carers
St Helena Hospice ‘Keeping Connected Christmas Campaign’
We have been invited by St Helena Hospice to take part in their Christmas Campaign – Keeping Connected. The aim is to raise some much needed money for this very worthwhile charity whilst allowing our pupils to see how they are still all connected, despite the current pandemic.
Enclosed in this envelope you have two paper chain links. If you wish to take part please write your child’s name on the chain links you wish to buy and return them to school in the envelope provided with a donation by Wednesday 9th December where the links will be quarantined before being made into a paper chain that will be displayed in the hall. The suggested donation is £1 per chain link but any amount, however big or small, will be very gratefully received. At the end of term Mrs Newland will break the chain and the child whose name is on the broken link will win a Cadburys selection box.
St Helena Hospice help local children and adults face incurable illness and bereavement, supporting them and their families, friends and carers, and rely heavily on the help and generosity of fundraisers, donors and volunteers. During the pandemic their charity donations, like those of so many charities, have been less than normal.
Should you wish to purchase additional links please contact Mrs Gandy in the school office as we have a limited number of additional links available.
Thanking you in advance for your generosity.
Yours faithfully
Mrs S Newland
Wednesday 2nd December 2020